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Show Notes

Henri Davis, CEO of TechTual Consulting & host of the TechTual Talk Podcast, comes to Hacker Valley this week to talk about his history with cybersecurity incident response and the content he currently creates with the TechTual Chatter Youtube channel. From interview tips, passion vs creativity, the intersection of cybersecurity and content creation, Henri walks through the path his career has taken him on, as well as imparts advice on those looking to follow a similar journey.


Timecoded Guide:

[00:00] Explaining incident response’s role in cyber 

[07:15] Henri’s journey from incident response to TechTual CEO 

[14:04] TechTual Consulting’s content about interviews & breaking into cybersecurity

[23:43] Marrying passions together within your career path

[29:54] Career path advice, cybersecurity vs content creation


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If you could explain it to someone who has never been in a cybersecurity incident before, what is it like from the beginning of the incident through to closure?

While the majority of Henri’s work revolves currently on content creation, Henri’s background in cyber has extensive involvement in incident response. Incident response, although vital for today’s cyber industry, is sometimes misunderstood, even by cybersecurity practitioners. Henri explains that incident response is something you don’t see the usefulness of until you do it, and that attempting to work through an incident can feel like dealing with a car crash; you always have a risk of something like this happening, and it matters how you prepare for it.

“An incident is like a car wreck. A wreck is something that you have a potential risk for, but you drive with insurance hoping that if it does happen, you know what to do. And even though it happens, you're still not prepared for the actual wreck.”


How are you hoping to help people, especially those breaking into cybersecurity, with TechTual’s content?

Henri’s focus on TechTual has given him an outlet for content creation and he hopes to use that platform to consistently help others. With the pandemic creating many jobless and job searching people, Henri saw an opportunity to focus on cybersecurity and IT content and assist outsiders looking to transition into the cyber industry. From tips about interviews to assistance with resumes, Henri often covers the basics with the mission to empower others, no matter their background, to embrace the ever-expanding industry. 

“My goal is to say it's okay. Everyone has a starting place, everyone has to start from somewhere. Just build your skill set up and eventually, you won't even have to have your LinkedIn profile open for work.”


When you find something that you're passionate about, and then you find another thing that you're passionate about, how do you marry those two together?

A marriage between passion is definitely possible, especially when looking at someone like Henri, who combines his love of content creation with his experience in cybersecurity and his passion for helping others. However, Henri is realistic in explaining that there’s a give and a take to the decisions made around your career path and how passions impact that. Henri recommends choosing a career path not just centered around passion, but instead focused on providing for yourself and your family. When your needs are fulfilled with your job, your passions and hobbies can grow and turn into legitimate projects in your life.

“If I was just by myself, I could just bet on myself, I always bet on myself. When you have that family aspect to it, you have to kind of weigh your options and see when the time is going to be right, and how you can do that.”


What is that one piece of advice that you would have for somebody that's looking to take one path in their career journey, but they have many paths before them?

During episodes of TechTual Talk and TechTual Chatter, Henri focuses heavily on career advice, especially when it comes to making the right decisions in your career journey and behaving professionally during the interview and job search processes. When asked about advice he would give, Henri explains that prioritizing logical paths and being honest in the work you do will always have a positive impact on job prospects. For example, lying in the interview process can lead to long term dissatisfaction between employee and employer, and building a career without a logical path is never a strong foundation for anyone’s future.

“What is the most logical path for you right now? Which one is the lowest barrier to entry for you? What's going to take care of you, or whatever your situation is? Try to do that first, and then reserve time for your passion.”



Keep up with Henri Davis on LinkedIn and the TechTual Consulting Website.

Check out Henri’s podcast, TechTual Talk, and his Youtube Channel, TechTual Chatter.

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