The Hacker Who Changed Everything


HD Moore

Some people use cybersecurity tools, others build them. And then there’s HD Moore, an innovator who didn’t just break into cybersecurity, he changed the way we think about it. Before offensive security was a recognized career path, HD was laying the groundwork. 


The Making of a Cybersecurity Pioneer

HD’s journey into cybersecurity was a mix of curiosity, necessity and determination. Growing up in the pre-internet era, he salvaged spare computer parts and assembled working machines from scratch. His involvement in BBS and IRC communities landed him a job through CSC working on US Air Force projects. But that was just the beginning. His work would go on to redefine ethical hacking, transform security research, and open the door for thousands in the cybersecurity industry.


Metasploit and Ethical Hacking

If you work in security, you’ve heard of Metasploit. But what many don’t realize is just how up and coming it was when HD Moore first released it. Metasploit made exploit development accessible. Before it, penetration testing tools were inaccessible and expensive. HD changed that and legitimized security research. The project gave structure to vulnerability research, helping offensive security gain credibility as a serious profession.  This in turn, created a launchpad for many professionals in the cybersecurity industry. Metasploit transformed exploit development into an open, legal and respected field. 


Building the Future of Security

Today, HD Moore is still reshaping the cybersecurity industry. His latest company, runZero, focuses on the big picture of risk visibility, helping organizations truly understand their attack surface. Unlike traditional scanners, runZero cuts through the noise and focuses on the real risks. His team is rethinking security tools and building smarter and more efficient ways to map attack surfaces. 


The Legacy of a Cybersecurity Innovator

HD Moore’s impact on cybersecurity can’t be overstated. He’s made cybersecurity more accessible, more transparent, and more respected. With his ongoing innovations at runZero, he’s still redefining how we approach risk and exposure management.  So, if you’re in security and looking for inspiration, try following the path of a builder, not just a user. 


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